The task was to revitalize an unused space overlooking an atrium as a lively destination for employees. In order to provide a canopy amongst the surrounding buildings, a unique trellis structure with louvers and integrated lighting was designed. The mission was to encourage employees to use the space throughout the day, the space includes a variety outdoor inspired informal and formal furniture arrangements. The space setting support collaboration and individual work configurations- including booths, huddle rooms, and lounge seating arrangements.
Although the project is entirely indoors, the scale of the surrounding building in the atrium gives a feel to the space as if you were in downtown Atlanta. The trellis structure is the central idea that helps organize the space and brings a pedestrian scale to the experience. All the programmatic spaces are woven in and out of the trellis structure allowing people to collaborate in groups or simply work while having a great view into the active atrium. The program spaces that are included into the trellis were the following:
· Stadium seating
· “Parlor” with pool table
· Multi-purpose room
· Open huddle rooms
· Community worktable
· Lounge seating
· Booths
Adding a sense of community, several seating areas were created to encourage collaboration and innovation. A stadium seating area with a rope feature “ceiling” was designed for larger gatherings. The central gaming raised “parlor” with pool table and access to coffee provides a place for employees to gather and play. A former storage room directly underneath the adjoining hotel was re-planned to house a reconfigurable multi-purpose room that pays homage to the company founder, both in name and in a large digital graphic that depicts his former sailing background.